Wednesday 15 December 2010

I'll let my hair down....literally

Today has been a brain frazzling day. I put my hair up this morning as I didn't have time to do much with it and had an exam to revise/cram some more for. The exam was intense and well this evening it's time to relax...

So I thought to myself, 'I'll let my hair down.'

I don't know if you're ever experienced letting your hair down literally before but it is rather amazing. We girls have had the joy of taking our hair out of the hairbobble many many times. Of course guys who have long hair are also able to experience it too. To be honest, I would almost recommend growing hair long to experience this sense of relaxation.

I am talking about the literal sense and I realise there are other meanings behind letting your hair down. Either way, whether you're looking to relax or to party... Let your hair down :)

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