Thursday 9 December 2010

Conversations and connections.

Today I had one of those days that just breaks out of the ordinary. It was a day with really good conversation.

I love open, honest conversations that break out of the norm. They go deeper than the surface and leave you feeling like you've actually had a real conversation. Quite often those sorts of conversations break down barriers between people. People can be really honest, vulnerable even, and although it can be risky, quite often the result is a new level of understanding of friendship and you can learn a lot about the person you're speaking to or give them an insight to who you are.

Maybe these conversations are particularly good because we all want someone to understand us and to know us. Someone who won't want to run away when they find more and more about us.

They're risky conversations because letting someone in, gives them the opportunity to turn around and say no thanks...I don't fancy speaking to you/knowing you anymore.

But I guess my question is, is the fear of being ignored or disliked or even rejected bigger than the value of real good friendship and closeness with people?

Personally, I feel challenged to not let this fear hold me back, to try and take the risk more and form good, sound, real connections with people. If you're willing to be open with someone often they feel like they can be open with you.

At the end of the day... God's the only one who'll ever understand us fully and know us and never reject us : ) Praise God for that.


  1. How very true, 'lil Abby :o) However, some people make it much easier to open up and be honest, to expose yourself slightly to them, by taking a personal interest in you rather than just talking the same old banal (another new word for today?) chat for the sake of it.

    Think we all have our good and bad days at that, but is important to remember to ask 'How are you?' as if you mean it, and not just talk about yourself. It's probably safe to say you do that more than most, and it's a reflection of the fact that you care a lot for the people around you. Keep up the good work!

    Ali de Z

  2. :) cheers Ali, so do you! :)
